Sunday, January 15, 2012

Friday The 13th

                    First of all welcome everyone to our new blog. This is the first blog and with Friday the thirteenth just passed, what better movie to write about then Friday The 13th.  A lot of you only know of Jason Voorhees as a killer and don’t really know the history behind him. Here are just a couple of fun facts. I hope you all enjoy.
Friday the 13th Films were originally produced by Shawn Cunningham to finance a television show that he thought was going to be his moneymaker. Back in 1980 there weren’t any franchise names so he thought he was just doing the first movie and that was it. It was Tom Savini’s idea to create a Jason type figure for the ending scene in the first movie. After this character was greated he became a mainstay in the franchise. Jason went from an ambiguous secondary character to the main attraction. Through out 10 sequels he has traveled from Crystal Lake to Manhattan to Space and even Springwood, as his rampage is so unstoppable that that he killed countless numbers of people. Some say he was a mongoloid until Friday the 13th pt. 6 when he became a Zombie by being regenerated by a bolt of lighting that struck his grave. His main weapon is usually a machete but he has been known to improvise using gardening tools, random fence spikes and an assortment of knives and other basic hardware.
Most people think that Jason kills because of his repressed Sexuality but there are a few inconsistencies .For example in Jason Goes to hell its bought to light that he kills to supply himself with fresh bodies to become able to shape shift from body to body. Other notable inconsistencies are that in the original Friday, his mom was his soul family member. In parts 9 Its revealed that Jason not only has a half sister, his half sister daughter and that in order to repel this curse he has to kill all Voorhees family members and their kin. Taking the saga into “Halloween” franchise charted territory.

(Bastard Productions Team)

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